
Custom Preset

If you want to use a provider that Nitro doesn't support, or want to modify an existing one, you can create a local custom preset in your project.

Custom presets are local files that have a preset entry that defines builder configuration and a runtime entry point.

Custom local preset support is an experimental feature.


Check unjs/nitro-preset-starter for a ready-to-use template.

First, we have to define our preset entry point in a local directory preset/nitro.config.ts

import type { NitroPreset } from "nitropack";
import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url"

export default <NitroPreset>{
  // extends: "node-server", // You can extend existing presets
  entry: fileURLToPath(new URL("./entry.ts", import.meta.url)),
  hooks: {
    compiled() {
      // ...

The entry point will be used by your server or provider, and you can fully customize its behavior.

import "#internal/nitro/virtual/polyfill";

const nitroApp = useNitroApp();

export default {
  fetch(request: Request) {
    const url = new URL(request.url);
    return nitroApp.localFetch(url.pathname +, {
      context: {},
      host: url.hostname,
      protocol: url.protocol,
      method: request.method,
      headers: request.headers,
      body: undefined,

Then in your nitro config file, you can use your custom preset.

export default defineNitroConfig({
  preset: "./preset",

Refer to the Nitro source code directly to have a better understanding of presets and entry points.