

Deploy Nitro apps to Netlify functions or edge.

Preset: netlify

Read more in Netlify Functions.
Integration with this provider is possible with zero configuration.

Normally, the deployment to Netlify does not require any configuration. Nitro will auto-detect that you are in a Netlify build environment and build the correct version of your server.

For new sites, Netlify will detect that you are using Nitro and set the publish directory to dist and build command to npm run build.

If you are upgrading an existing site you should check these and update them if needed.

If you want to add custom redirects, you can do so with routeRules or by adding a _redirects file to your public directory.

For deployment, just push to your git repository as you would normally do for Netlify.

Make sure the publish directory is set to dist when creating a new project.

Netlify edge functions

Preset: netlify_edge

Netlify Edge Functions use Deno and the powerful V8 JavaScript runtime to let you run globally distributed functions for the fastest possible response times.

Read more in Netlify Edge functions.

Nitro output can directly run the server at the edge. Closer to your users.

Make sure the publish directory is set to dist when creating a new project.

On-demand builders

Preset: netlify_builder

On-demand Builders are serverless functions used to generate web content as needed that’s automatically cached on Netlify’s Edge CDN. They enable you to build pages for your site when a user visits them for the first time and then cache them at the edge for subsequent visits.

Read more in Netlify On-demand Builders.

Custom deploy configuration

You can provide additional deploy configuration using the netlify key inside nitro.config. It will be merged with built-in auto-generated config. Currently the only supported value is images.remote_images, for configuring Netlify Image CDN.